Accounts & Auditing
- Well versed with Accounting Standards.
- Preparation of Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statements, Annual Budget and Consolidated Financial Statements of various Corporate Clients duly incorporating the requirements as per Accounting Standards.
- Handled activities relating to Internal Audit, Tax Audit, Statutory Audit, Cost Audit etc.
- Establishment of costing systems for various manufacturing entities.
- Coordinating with Certified Public Accountants of various countries for finalisation of Accounts of WOS and Joint Ventures abroad.
- Valuation of shares for the purpose of Amalgamation/Mergers.
- Preparation and audit of accounts under respective Acts, of different entities like companies, co-operative societies, trusts etc.
- Statutory & Revenue Audit of different nationalized and other Banks. A statement showing experience in Bank audit is enclosed.
- Co-operative Audits from last 15 years.